Saturday, July 01, 2006


i am a lobster.
no really.
we are all very very sunburnt.
because we spent today on a beach, filming a scene that may or may not go in the movie... but the ultimate plus was that as we were packing up, a man with a hookfull of catfish came past, and agreed to an interview.

when i asked him if he could get better fish with the longer rod, many standersby assumed i was being metaphoric. and i was. but not in the way that you think.

you see, the farther out you go, the more likely you are to get what you want. the fisherman said the same: "if you grow up in mississippi and never leave mississippi, and your soulmate lives in ohio, you probably won't find 'em." i would say the same about the rod.

how can you make a documentary if you only stay in new york city? you just can't. i didn't know the country until i went to the country. not that i know it all that much better... but at least instead of feeding it peanuts, i'll drop it some apples. you know? if you didn't know, america LOVES apples.

did you see forrest gump? they ate lobsters. we're going to submit ourselves to a well-known restaurant chain and then at least our crisp skin will become part of the economic system. in the mean time, we will be casting our lines, rubbing one another's backs, and hoping that part three of the road trip around america lands us closer to (or further from) our idea for this documentary. please submit your thoughts. i'd love to know if you think america is divided... or just a little sexually confused...



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